Which wood?
Beech is a terrific wood for cutting boards as it is about as hard as Maple and has a bit of color that Maple doesn’t have. Beech generally leaves a nice contrast with our imaging process. Maple also makes an excellent cutting board. Maple is mostly white in color and generally has a very subtle color shift when imaged. If you want a good cutting board, then go with a Beech or Maple.
Is the house contemporary or traditional go with beech or maple
Hope this helps.
What Size Board should I get?
If budget is a consideration, then obviously go with a 9x12. Other than that, a few things to think about is the presentation and the statement you want to make. Also, does the recipient like to cook? If so, then you may want a larger board. Does the house have a big kitchen? Do the people like to entertain (enter the serving tray/cutting board).
How long does it take to produce?
Generally, we get them out within 48 hours. This gives us time to schedule and produce and let the mineral oil soak in overnight before packaging and shipping.
Caring for your cutting board?
For Cleaning use a mild dishwater soap. Maintenance - Apply Food Grade Mineral Oil (top, bottom and all sides). Schedule: Once a day for a week. Once a week for a month. Once a month forever. After a couple months, you can apply a carnauba wax or a mix of mineral oil and carnauba wax. The wax will close up the pours in the board and also make it shine.
I have purchased food grade mineral oil from one of the big box home stores. Brands are similar so don't get hung up on brand names - food grade mineral oil is .... food grade mineral oil. I have heard that you can also find it in the pharmacy depts. and it costs much less.
We include caring instructions with every board.